HoneyBee Hives are one of the 15 commercial beekeepers, selected from across Australia, to participate in the first intake of the 5Bees program coordinated by The Wheen Bee Foundation that commences in April 2021.

The program will support beekeepers to be more productive and sustainable as they adapt in the face of climate change. Based on action research principles, the participating beekeepers identify and drive the program focus based on what’s most relevant to them. Two small groups of 7 and 8 beekeepers from across Australia will be supported by an experienced group facilitator and industry experts will participate as guest speakers to talk on topics identified by the group.  A small budget is available to each group to allow beekeepers to test and trial new technologies and evaluate their value for adoption.

“It’s a really great accolade to be awarded one of these scholarships”, said Fiona Chambers, CEO of Wheen Bee Foundation.  

Wheen Bee Foundation are funding the 5 Bees program from their Bushfire Rebuild and Recovery Fund.  More groups are planned subject to industry funding and beekeeper interest and demand. If you are interested to be kept informed about future 5Bees opportunities, email [email protected]


Click here to see more about The Wheen Bee Foundation