10 Frame BeeHive Queen Excluder

10 Frame BeeHive Queen Excluder


This 10 frame metal queen excluder is designed to keep the queen out of your honey box to ensure there is no brood or eggs mixes in with your honey.

An essential tool in the arsenal of every beekeeper.

Not available for postage. Collection only from Kremnos NSW.


Product Categories

HoneyBee Hives

Blessed Balms

Honey Bee Hives

Honey & Honeycomb

HoneyBee Hives - Beeswax Wraps

Books, Wraps & Bling

HoneyBee Hives - Bees & Beekeeping

Bees & Beekeeping

Honey Lovers Gift Box

Gift Boxes

HoneyBee Hives - Merchandise
