Bee Socks

Bee Socks



Material: 80% Cotton; 17% Polyester; 3% Spandex

Adult One Size: 7-12

Kids One Size: 4-8yrs


Save the Bees Australia are a social enterprise that aims to raise awareness of the importance of bees, and raises money to ensure bees in our surrounding communities are saved from extermination.

By purchasing the Bee Sock, 10% of proceeds will be donated to this foundation.

More about Save The Bees Australia:

There are over 1500 species of indigenous bees in Australia and many are yet to be discovered. Some species are likely to go extinct because of the rate of large land clearing and pesticide use in Australia.

Indigenous bees are more susceptible to pesticides and land clearing than honeybees because the majority of indigenous bee species are solitary and live underground and are endemic to specific areas.

So devastating is the effect of the pesticide neonicotinoids in Australia that areas that once homed indigenous bees are now GMO crop wastelands with less biodiversity than the desert. So devoid of life these area need honeybees bought in to pollinate the crops because the pesticide have killed the natural pollinators.

Save The Bees Australia are running a successful campaign against neonicotinoids which helped encourage Woolworths, Bunnings and other outlets to stop selling the Bayer product Confidor which is a neonicotinoid.

The organisation have successfully stopped spaying programs targeting mosquitoes that kill all insects including indigenous bees.

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