Homeopathic First Aid Kit For Bees
Homeopathic First Aid Kit For Bees
European Honeybees face a number of challenges, including Varroa mites, American Foulbrood (AFB), small hive beetle (SHB), chalkbrood, European Foulbrood (EFB) and pesticide poisoning. Homeopathy can be a safe and effective way to help honeybees fight off these challenges and improve their overall health.
Developed in consultation with a qualified homeopath, this first aid kit contains 25-30 doses of the 4 following remedies. Larger bottles of individual remedies are also available for $30 each with 260-265 doses each.
Varroa, AFB, & SHB: Apis mellifica, Thuja, and Calc Sulph
This blend of homeopathic remedies is designed to support the immune system of honeybees and help them resist Varroa mites, American Foul Brood (AFB), and Small Hive Beetle (SHB).
- Apis mellifica: This remedy is made from the honeybee, and it is believed to help to stimulate the bees’ immune system and to reduce inflammation.
- Thuja: This remedy is made from the Thuja occidentalis tree, and it is believed to help to boost the bees’ immune system and to protect them from infection.
- Calc Sulph: This remedy is made from calcium sulphate, and it is believed to help to detoxify the bees’ bodies and to improve their overall health.
These remedies are believed to work by stimulating the bees’ own immune system to improve the overall health and vitality of a hive.
Pesticide Poisoning: Nux Vom and Pulsatilla
This blend of homeopathic remedies is designed to help honeybees recover from pesticide poisoning.
- Nux Vom: This remedy is made from the seeds of the Nux vomica tree, and it is believed to help to support the liver and kidneys, which are the organs that are responsible for detoxifying the body. This can be helpful for bees that have been exposed to pesticides or other toxins.
- Pulsatilla: This remedy is made from the Pulsatilla pratensis flower, and it is believed to help to soothe the bees’ nervous system and to reduce stress. This can be helpful for bees that have been exposed to stressful conditions, such as pesticide exposure or a sudden change in the environment.
Chalkbrood: Calcarea carbonica
- This homeopathic remedy is designed to help honeybees recover from chalkbrood. Chalkbrood is a fungal disease that can cause the death of young bees. Calcarea carbonica is a remedy made from calcium carbonate, which is a mineral that is essential for the growth and development of bees.This remedy may be helpful for bees that are suffering from chalkbrood or other diseases that can affect their growth.
EFB: Ferrum phosphoricum
- This homeopathic remedy is designed to help honeybees’ resistance to and recovery from European foulbrood (EFB). EFB is a bacterial disease that can cause the death of young bees. Ferrum phosphoricum is a remedy made from iron phosphate, which is a mineral that is essential for the growth and development of bees.
How to Use Homeopathic Remedies for Honeybees
- Homeopathic remedies for honeybees are added to the bees drinking water.
- Prevention: 1 pillule in water source each month
- In season or outbreak: 1 pillule in water source each week
- Acute: 1 pillule in water source each day
- Store remedies away from electrical appliances, phones, and computers as they are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.